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[영어공부 26일차] BGIU 2회독 81~94 unit + 라이브아카데미 as - as

by 룰루셩 2025. 1. 23.

It's been a long time since I took a break from studying English. There were some reason for taking a break for 4 days, but this week, I just can't stop watching drama.

Anyway, I restarted studying English. This time, I watched a live academy lecture on the “as - as” pattern. I took notes in Unit 87. 


  • When I was in school, I wasn't as outgoing as I am now.
  • My phone isn't as fast as it was when I first got it.


 Today, I’m thankful for…

  • being able to call my mom
  • watching the drama "옥씨부인전". It was so much fun.
  • having friends who comfort me when I need it.
